Saturday, June 8, 2013

New fashionable shit that hinders me in my work

Actually I even don't know why these "tools" exist (the only reason seems: to make a life harder). Useless shit that hinders me in my work!


- adds extra work (converting the made-up new syntax to what I really am trying to say, installing stuff on my server etc);
- adds Yet Another Layer Where Things Can Go Wrong between me and my rendered page;
- slows down the performance of the application, eats the computer resources;
- I don't write CSS for crappy grid HTML, so I don't need to go install some tool to help me do that

2. Handlebars.js

- adds extra work (converting the made-up new syntax to what I really am trying to say, installing stuff on my server etc);
- adds Yet Another Layer Where Things Can Go Wrong between me and my rendered page;
- slows down the performance of the application, eats the computer resources;
- it is really buggy;
- I don't write JS for crappy grid HTML, so I don't need to go install some tool to help me do that.

3. CoffeeScript

- in that you basically learn a whole new syntax... to write Javascript. Instead of writing... Javascript;
- adds extra work (converting the made-up new syntax to what I really am trying to say, installing stuff on my server etc);
- adds Yet Another Layer Where Things Can Go Wrong between me and my rendered page;
- slows down the performance of the application, eats the computer resources;
- knowing JavaScript very well, I don't need to go install some shit tool that breaks my mind instead of writing in the old good pure programming language.

4. jQuery

- Hey, Resig! Well-intentioned road to hell is paved with! So you invented just one more tool that gives to lamers the feel of knowledge. But now you are a world known person. Is it what you wanted?

You must use all these "tools" in case you are a real lamer and 'shit diving' is your favorite sport or if you need to do a visibility of work instead of work itself.

In conclusion, I would like to say the word of thanks to all the authors of the shit tools mentioned above: fuck you!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New World Говнопорядок

Есть такие "кайфовые" супер-гипер-карпарации "прогромиздские", в которых годик "поработаешь" - и становишься почти профнепригодным. Два годика "поработаешь" - окончательно профнепригоден. Понятно, откуда уши растут, что-как-кто-и-зачем - тоже всё понятно (уж, слава Богу, не совсем дурак), но... [продолжите сами]

"Нам не нужно, чтобы оно работало, нам нужно, чтобы ТЫ заебался!" (с)